Thursday 24 March 2016

On the topic of power cuts

Power went out in the building today. We were soon swamped with crowds of people asking about their Internet access and continually reassuring them that we'd fix it. There was this one guy though who stood out, he's got a reputation for flipping his shit at the slightest thing and so we generally have a policy of 'don't talk to him, don't look at him'. The Dick (charming nickname, I know) strolled into the office demanding that we 'restore all internet power to his computer or he'd have us all fired'.
It took every fibre of my being to not burst out laughing. Bill (the otaku) squeaked out a couple before regaining himself. It wasn't really the phrasing, just the way he said it in this typical Gekko type businessman drawl he has and this smug smile he seems to have affixed to his face at all times. We promised him we would as soon as possible. He seemed to accept that well and stroll out of our office giving high fives to everyone. He's rumored to have a nasty coke habit, so this really doesn't surprise me. Power came back on eventually, a squirrel apparently took a leap of faith into a transformer. Everyone shuffled out after that and pretty quickly it was just us two shooting the shit in some dingy basement. There are worst jobs out there, I guess.


Monday 21 March 2016


Well, I suppose this really marks the beginning of a mid life crisis. Opening a blog on the internet for everyone and their Mam to see. I did use pen and paper, as that appeals to the inner hipster in me, but I had this 6x12" box full of the things and most of them were filling up what precious space I have at home. They date back all the way to 1990. Granted, most of those early journals consist of me playing bitchin' solos in Brunton Park and talking about my pet dog and how I'm still going to have him at 50. The bitchin' solos are just now replaced with screwing around with tape loops and the dog about work.

Work was predictably hellish. I work as an IT consultant for this big telemarketer firm and it's about as pleasant as you can imagine. I work with two other blokes in this converted storage cupboard they all have us working in. The first guy is your typical otaku, kinda on the big side and with a surprisingly decent neckbeard. Well, alright, he's not at the point where he curses people with random Japanese curses and waddles away. Besides, he can be a funny and pretty decent guy most of the time.

The other guy, Mike, never really shows up. He's got a desk and stuff, but he apparently works somewhere else in the building now. Quiet, only chiming in with something witty to say. And yes, they're both younger than me, Mike being second oldest at 24.

I'll probably update this, sporadically. I doubt anyone wants to hear about the story of an IT consultant in his grey life working in his grey job.
